Monday, June 3, 2013

Effect Of Drug Cartels In U.S.

In the Article "Mexico's drug war affects US as well." a regular columnist provides information on what types of problems Mexico's drug war is bring to the US. Mexico's president has been struggling to dismantle the drug cartels.amounts of people are dying because of this ongoing issue. the article explains  "A January 2011 report put the total death toll at an astounding 34,000 lives. moreover in 2010, dozens of Americans were killed in Mexico. sadly, some of them were the victims of brutal, murderous bus raids by cartels."
As we can see it is not only the Mexican people who are suffering from this but also the Americans and the vitamin family. this also affects the US because cartels are taking over in now many different places of the world. "The U.S. Department of Justice has reported that Mexican drug cartels have gang members in nearly 200 U.S. cities from Los Angles to Baltimore and represent the "largest threat to both citizens and law enforcement agencies in this country. " Gang members are also expanding with in the united states the violence in Mexico is an extremely serious U.S. national security issue. if we let Mexico go on its own the Mexican Government can collapse itself. American people might not care what happens in mexico but we should as explained in the article the author explains "other then the obvious fact that Mexico is the United States geographic neighbor, we are also partly responsible for the ongoing bloodshed." we should realize that this is not just Mexico's problem but also a north American problem as well. we need to do something about this before more lives are taken away and before drug cartels gain more power.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Obama: Fighting Drug Cartels

In the Article "Obama says he works with Mexico to fight drug cartels" the associated press provides information on what the government is currently doing to stop drug cartels. Drug cartels are now more powerful then ever and we have to put a end to it.
President Obama sayed "The U.S will cooperate with Mexico in fighting drug-trafficking and organized crime in any ways Mexico's government deems appropriate." Obama is willing to help mexico with the drug cartel issue. Obama said "it is obviously up the the Mexican people to determine their security structures and how it engages with other nations -including the united states." Mexican people need to be aware of their security and what is happening around them also affecting other nations including the united states which is why Obama is willing corroborate with the Mexican government.Both presidents are looking for more security. Pena Neito told Obama thats the U.S. will "cooperate on the basis of mutal respect: to promte an efficient security startegy."

Obama and Enrique Pena.jpg

Both presidents met on the first day of Obama's three-day trip to Mexico and Costa Rica.

Mexican Drug Cartel : Biggest Threat in Texas

In the article, "Mexican drug cartels: Biggest threat to texas and its residents" The deparment of public safety provide a brief article on how texas is being affected by drug cartels. People, cash,weapons and stolen merchandise are being moved back and forth across the border. It is also affecting texas safety, "it is a top DPS priority to severely obstruct the range and power of mexican drug cartels organization to affect the public safety of texas citizens" says DPS Director Steven McCraw. it seems that texas isnt safe and so now their priority is to help stop drug cartels for the safety of texas residents. "statewide prison gangs pose the secound organized crime threat in texas." texas is also one of the states being  threat by drug cartels. gangs are now working for mexican cartels, and still operate in or out of the prison system.Texas has also found a total of 141,982 undocumented criminal defendents kept into texas county jails."these individuals are responsible for ar least 447,844 individual criminal charges, including 2,032 homicides and 5,048 sexual assaults." these crimes "lead children to violence,extortion,forced labor, sexual assault, and prostitution." this is a really dangerous place for childer and it is not safe, this is was there priority is to get rid of all drug cartels in texas and all arund the world because people are als being affected by it even if they dnt form part of drug cartels .